Sunday, February 16, 2020


Best Piece of Creative Work Before Coming to this Course - HSC MDP High School Edmondson Park Design Development Proposal, Pio Catholic College

Presentation board

Twilight render of Sketchup CAD model
My HSC Major Project in Design Development was architectural based and was conceived in the effort to oppose a vertical school proposal that was originally planned in Edmondson Park. Through the analysis of the needs and wants of surrounding Edmondson Park residents, present day high school students and communities, it could be deduced that the notion of vertical schools favour dense city environments by reducing green space and contributing to the overdevelopment of buildings in residential areas which hinders the quality of life and sense of community of those affected. For this reason, my architectural project sought to design with empathy by considering the needs of the target market and facilitating the relationships of high school students by proposing a high school with an emphasis on wellbeing through flexible and multipurpose facilities that could be used by both the school and wider community to generate a sense of togetherness and reduce the breadth of development in the local area. Notably, this was the project in which my views on architecture and design matured to value empathy and the needs of the people involved in a phase I coined 'Futurebound'. I believe architecture is a service that carries the burdens of others to work towards a ‘futurebound’ society, or a society that is progressive and in unison. The logo depicts two hands belonging two different individuals holding Earth in its palms to reflect this idea.

Image(s) of a Great Piece of Architecture - The National Memorial of Peace and Justice by the Mass Design Group, 'Architecture that heals'
The National Memorial of Peace and Justice (Mass Design Group,
Photo © Alan Karchmer
Around the time at the end of 2018 and the start of my HSC Major Design project, my views of architecture and design had been reinvigorated by a TED talk, profoundly and powerfully spoken by Michael Murphy, co- founder and CEO of MASS Design Group, that Architecture had an intrinsic power to ‘heal’. While he commended that the greatest architecture was “beautiful”, “visionary”, and “innovative”, it doesn’t fulfil its ambition to “serve” the people of society. Murphy’s ‘Memorial to Peace and Justice’ of the Rwanda genocide epitomises his belief that architecture is not simply “expressive sculptures” but are emblematic of our personal and collective aspirations as a society.  All aspects of design, including aesthetic choices had the power to impact the lives of those influenced by the built environment as showcased by a local volcanic stone used by the group to repurpose them as the wall of the hospital, considering both the environmental and human handprint of architecture. As such, the National Memorial of Peace and Justice is symbolic of "restorative justice" and "spiritual healing" of the Rwandan genocide which had scarred the local community, thus making it architecture that can 'heal'.

Original Photograph of Something Beautiful - Favourite Memory of High School

Clancy Day - 23rd August 2017
Arguably the hardest photo to choose when describing something as "beautiful". I chose a photo which immortalised my favourite memory of high school, a simple and mundane moment which had been edited to look more saturated, colourful and possibly symbolise the transience and serenity of memory which captures a single frame of time and is viewed in a more desirable lens. This memory or photograph is beautiful because it is the simple memories and meaningful relationships which makes life fulfilling for me.  This image of my group of friends in Year 10 2017, was a moment where we stared into the distance and talked about our hopes and dreams for the future. It was a simpler time before the emotional strain and heavier times of the Senior years of high school that succeeded this moment, thus accentuating a sense of poignancy of how much times have changed and the journey of high school - that is how different reality was and how things turned out to be after our conversation from this moment. This is beautiful, because at the same time, it shows how far I and my friends have come personally and the amount of growth and adversities we faced in the final years.

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