Saturday, February 29, 2020

Scheme 2 - Stairs and Cross sections

During my design process, I had sketched two more sets of sections (4 more stairs) to branch out in my ideas. I had selected a scheme with the same clients of Trent Jansen Studio on the top and Mountain & Moon on the bottom of the relative datum. Using the words, iridescent and elegant, I had produced interesting results.

First Set

Second Set

Importantly, in my synthesising of ideas, I had achieved perhaps my most significant idea in approaching a design of stairs that can exclusively cater to the unique needs of client. The iridescent idea can be reframed into the 'biomimicry' context by using its distinct balustrade as a 'spider cobweb' like design to hold and stabilise the furniture during transit for Trent Jansen Studio.
Image result for spider web biomimicry

Similarly, I can attempt to reframe elegance for Mountain & Moon, by using a similar idea, but making the shapes sharper to suit the noun of 'visceral'.

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